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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Or, just play demo till you can afford to buy S(1,2,3)

This game is awesome with what it allows demo users to play.

Have fun, and enjoy Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
John Ashe

Former United Nations General Assembly President

Died: June 22, 2016
Died in alleged accident when a barbell dropped on his throat, crushing his larynx.

Ashe was about to begin trial for a bribery charge involving Chinese businessman Ng Lap Seng. who had been implicated but not charged in the 1996 "China-gate" scandal for funneling illegal donations to Bill Clinton's re-election fund through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie. Ashe was supposed to testify about Hillary's links to Ng Lap Seng later the same day he died.

Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.

Air America. The 'Clean' view.
(Yet undoubtedly every plane in Laos carried opium at some time, unknown to the pilot and his superiors-just as had virtually every pedicab, every Mekong River sampan, and every missionary jeep between China and the Gulf of Siam.)

Air America - The Real Drug Lords.

The US in Afghanistan today.

2010 - Alabama 3

Dear Mrs. Robinson, your boy died today
He died a brave man far away
We had our dope, stashed it up real fine
Inside his mind
So we removed his brain and put in a K
He'll come back to you that way
And when you get him home, we hope you'll dig it out
Dig it out

And when you get it dear, will you make sure of this
To give it back to me
Because me and my offices have got a lot of clout

Micky Mouse's body bag gets FedExed from Kabul
Minnie Mouse, she wonders why the body bag's half-full
Oligarchs and oil barons tell Walt Disney the news
John Wayne marches off to war in Donald Duck's shoes

1 2 3 what are we fighting for
Don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop Afghanistan
5 6 7 open up the pearly gates
There ain't no time to wonder why we're all gonna die

From napalm to phosphorous, suicide to bombs
Mekong Delta, Helmand province, Taliban to Vietcong
Ghost ride to Guantanamo, Rambo 1 to 5
Put your full metal jacket on, no one here gets out alive
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
What are your PC specs because if they are under the required specs then that would explain your results.

Desktop Specs
NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer
The Grand Tour
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed


A: Top Gear is history, when they finally (2017) manage to create new material, there is a thread already.
Like, just watch 5th Gear or something while you wait. Sabine's there, and Chris Harris, and Tiff.......
Seriously, just watch it. No Shouty McShoutface. Thumbs up

B: First video on 'The Grand Tour' Youtube channel.

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Players have discovered that the Whanganui Hells Angels pad on Kaikokopu Rd, Aramoho has been set down as a pokestop, a fact that has gained attention on Facebook.

One person said it was "Team Rocket's NZ chapter".

A man who answered the gate at the Hells Angels club did not know what Pokemon Go was, and said to "Go talk to the police."
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :yeah the sun used to have good page 3's. used to..

Like Top Gear really.... Top Gear was rebranded as Clarkson, Hammond and May for many years now.
Every knockoff, USA, Aust, etc failed completely by trying to follow the same format, which could never work.

So, what does the BBC do ?, repeats every mistake made on every other knockoff..... Well done Team BBC.

(Oh, and (yet again) hire someone now alleged with sex abuse, well, it is the BBC)
"SPECIALIST sex crimes cops last night took over the probe into claims Chris Evans repeatedly grabbed a colleague’s breasts.
Television and radio presenter Evans, 50, will be formally questioned under caution shortly by detectives from the Metropolitan Police SCO17 Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse command."

Let's see if they have the brains to recreate the program without reusing scripts and actually create a new show..... (NO)

Anyway, The Grand Tour, VERY un-PC, 250 tickets in the tent, open for everyone, unless you drive a peugeot, or are a moron....

(Sleezy Chris Evans photo's and story, like Page 3.........)
"Earlier, in his teens, Evans earned pocket money by draping his puny, white torso in a leopard-skin and staging a Tarzan strip-o-gram act. Such behaviour convinced one friend that Evans was 'absolutely fascinated with nakedness — his own and other peoples', male or female'.
It was a view shared by production staff on TV programmes such as The Big Breakfast and TFI Friday, where Evans attained stardom as a brilliant, idiosyncratic presenter. They grew accustomed to the sight of his gingery nether regions.
Some were deeply offended, others laughed it off as part of his zany personality. But so far as we know, no one ever complained.
However, that was 25 years ago, when a culture of 'laddishness' and anything-goes lewdness prevailed in showbiz circles. At the time, Chris Evans personified this — wandering around the studios in an orange-and-blue striped bathrobe which was undone, like a debauched Roman emperor, and even parading his naked body on screen."
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
So, check with his bank who is actually making these charges on his account. Then come back if it really is LFS.

DUDE, He has probably been scammed. Or it's an excuse for porn, It's usually porn.

Want to buy a couch ?????
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2016 Rio Olympics
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Here's the positive news though, 2020 is in Tokyo....

Let's celebrate the 'Athletes' and 'Clean Sports'.....

"Brazilian federal police on Tuesday raided an Olympic venue set to hold 11 sports at Rio de Janeiro's games in August, hunting for further evidence that construction firms skimmed millions of dollars from federal funding.

Prosecutors said so far they have found at least 128 million reais ($37 million) in money diverted from federal funding for the Olympics project, accounted for in earth-moving works that either did not happen or were fraudulently overcharged."

"French authorities investigating payments made to a secret bank account alleged to have helped Tokyo secure 2020 Games"
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Ah yes, the usual candidates...

I do realise that neither of you are capable of actually reading articles or being aware of current events.

You might try to manage this Jewish article pointing out the links and similarities between the 3rd and 4th Reichs.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
The 'Media' owned by 'Who exactly ??' are pushing to program people to accept a 're-vote' to reverse the British decision.

Germany wants 'Ein Reich', controlled by guess who, and 'Herr Fuhrer' is probably going to lose his job over this (Well, this and several other things)

Key point is the Fourth Reich (and French puppets), having lost WW Part 1 and WW part 2, are now going to control Europe by controlling the EU.
The Dutch have already rolled over and are giving their army to Deutschland, as are other EU puppets.

I don't know why we bothered bailing your arses out over 2 World Wars, Don't expect it again. Shrug


Your army will get really cool Hugo Boss made uniforms though, so there's that. Smile

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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Oh yes, I'm fully with you with the TPPA, it's so disliked here there wasn't even a vote, nor have we been told officially whats in it. Even more fun, we've just had the US saying they want to rewrite bits as some of their corporations haven't got enough yet.

Superstate instead of the EU – France and Germany ultimatum

Here's the latest guide to the EU from Germany and France.

The EU Army, that was never going to happen.....

Member countries actually would not have the right to their own army, their own special services, a separate Criminal Code, a separate tax system – including taxes, its own currency, the central bank is capable of real defend the financial interests of the nation-state.

In addition, Member States actually lose control over their own borders and admission procedures and relocate the refugees on their territory.

The project also envisages the introduction of a uniform visa system and conduct a common foreign policy with other countries and international organizations. The document may also arise, it would be limiting the role of NATO in the European continent.

In the preamble of the text, France and Germany wrote: “Our countries share a common destiny and a common set of values that give rise to an even closer union between our citizens. We will therefore strive for a political union in Europe and invite the next Europeans to participate in this venture. ”
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Every household in England will receive a glossy 14-page booklet through their letterbox next week making the case for Britain to remain in the European Union, as the government kicks off a £9m taxpayer-funded publicity blitz.
Stamped with the logo “HM Government”, the leaflet says in large type: “Why the Government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK.”

It's perhaps important to assume that perhaps older British voters actually understand that the EU is a non-democratic elite ruled organisation that has it's own specific agenda that is totally removed from that of the population.

Once you understand that, certainly currently, it is a German controlled dictatorship, something that it was set up in theory to prevent, it has removed statehood, it is impossible to disagree with any of it's ruling's and it is currently setting up it's own army, probably following the Roman system of policing with non local troops.

Whilst I fully understand the inability of, generally younger people to read history, informed media, or even think, judging from the calls from other EU countries it appears that a large percentage of the EU has recognised these facts.

"The wrinkly bastards stitched us young ’uns up good and proper on Thursday. From their stair lifts and their Zimmer frames, their electric recliner beds and their walk-in baths, they reached out with their wizened old writing hands to make their wobbly crosses and screwed their children and their children’s children for a thousand generations. (Except my mother — who wants it made clear that she was for Leave anyway.)

I always knew it would turn out this way. From the moment the referendum was called, the polls showed a massive majority for Leave in the over-65 group — bigger than any differential in wage, education, geographical location or political leaning. And it was how I formed my eventual decision to vote Remain. I just knew that I could not vote with the old people. Because old people are always wrong. About everything."

"Of course, all along, the cover story has been: the EU is a step toward paradise; it bestows grace and beauty on humanity; it erases ugly borders; it makes people One; it fosters share and care; it smooths out conflicts; it makes us brothers and sisters.

What’s occurring at the moment is very much like an old horror movie, where the humanoid villain is backed up against the wall, and someone tears his face away and exposes…machinery. Nothing but little wheels and cogs and wires and tubes. The truth is out.

What a monstrous joke it is that the young, in Britain, voted to remain in the EU. The EU is a right arm of Globalist forces. The same young people yammer and protest against Globalism, but because they’re absolutely clueless, they want to stay in the EU. The young: turned into hypnotic products of the education system.

Even the most cynical interpretation of Brexit—that it was set up from behind the curtain as a way to flush out rebellion, which would then be squashed—doesn’t fully explain what just happened in Britain.

People can decide they’ve had enough of tyranny. They can push away from the table loaded with goodies and freebies, feeling sick, feeling patronized, feeling diminished. They can turn off the talking heads that preach Official Messages. They can discover further ways their freedom is being stolen from them, and they can rebel more deeply.

Eventually, they can come to a place where they rediscover their own existence as individuals, inviolate, alive, absent of the need for a bloated super-structure of “support.”
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
It's certainly a very surprising result and made even stranger that it's the Lisbon treaty that brought in Article 50.

Given that it is an EU article it's insanely vague as it was never meant to actually be used, it was simply included to shut up people who wanted a system of leaving the EU.

The focus of the EU is to remove nationhood and the EU to become a 'Single Nation State' I'm still surprised about both Scotland and Northern Irelands vote as the EU would remove both independent states in favour of becoming ÉU'.

Remember that Ireland voted against both Nice and Lisbon Treaties before voting yes''

And I'm sure North Sea Oil had nothing to do with the Scottish Vote (already proven to be rigged with the independence 'vote')

Again well done Britain It will be an interesting journey Smile

Exit polls have historically and throughout the world been used as a check against, and rough indicator of, the degree of election fraud.

And Britain... No Pogroms please, it will upset your bankers.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from :Because it's not allowed to do this in the UK.

And they are out. Exit. Bye.

What ???????, Exit polls are standard in any democracy. (OK, the EU is not a Democracy so that explains your confusion)

"The major broadcasters BBC and ITV have commissioned exit polls at general elections for many years. In recent years new statistical methods have been introduced to improve the accuracy of prediction of House of Commons seat totals on the basis of an exit poll. The performance of the new methods has been very good. At the 2001 election, when those methods were used (in prototype form, being only partially developed at that stage) for the first time by the BBC, the size of the Labour majority was predicted at 10pm on polling day with an error of just 6 seats; and at the 2005 and 2010 elections the number of seats for the largest party was predicted with no error at all!"

And, despite the very strange Scottish vote, explained if you paid attention to the rigged Independence vote, yes, the UK has voted to leave.

Speaking as someone from an independent country, good one Smile.

Congratulations to getting your Independence and Sovereignty back. Wave
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I'll be astounded if Britain leaves.

There are NO exit poll's, I wonder why...Rofl

There were no exit polls for Scottish Independence either........

Edit: The early results are interesting though, usually you can only alter votes by 10% but the Leave vote was clearly massive.

The Scottish vote is interesting in that it mirrors the 'results' of the independence vote, and is very different to the English and Welsh voting pattern.
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Lots of pictures put together showing people from the northern hemisphere how to drive 'Down Under'

If you love WW1 planes, check this channel. Peter Jackson has created this, Welcome to the NZ Airforce.
Hood Aerodrome, Masterton, NZ. Smile
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Hillary's email server.

Her IT Tech previously got a 'DEAL' from the 'Justice' Dept, at a hearing on 22 June he managed to invoke the 5th amendment 125 times.

The official said Pagliano was working off an index card and read the same crafted statement each time.

“It was a sad day for government transparency,” the Judicial Watch official said, adding they asked all their questions and Pagliano invoked the Fifth Amendment right not to answer them.

Pagliano was a central figure in the set-up and management of Clinton’s personal server she used exclusively for government business while secretary of state. The State Department inspector general found Clinton violated government rules with that arrangement.

Clearly she must be the next US Pres !!!!!!

Here is the State Dept wetting themselves about getting 'it' in.

" It’s clear that officials from the State Department are seeking for a hardliner in the White House, who would make US foreign policy tough and uncompromising after eight years of Obama’s presidency during which the world saw a partial withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, the rejection of the US bombing campaign in Syria in 2014, Washington’s unwillingness to participate in a NATO ground operation in Libya, and the refusal to launch a direct military intervention in Yemen.

And now we witness the preparations for drastic change in Washington’s policies that will return to the practice of direct military interventions, countless wars overseas and ongoing meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign states in the name of “US national interests and the protection of democratic values.” A couple of days ago dozens of US State Department officials signed a confidential document, calling for President Obama to launch a military assault against the government in Damascus. In their view, regime change in Syria is the only way to deal with ISIS. According to The Wall Street Journal, a total of 51 high-profile officials put their signatures upon the document in a bid to push President Obama towards military aggression."

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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Same stuff ????

Hillary is still getting the same "YAY - USA, USA, USA" crap, no one in the US cares that she has sold you all down the river.

No one in the US of A cares that Obama is a gay muslim.
“Everyone on the inside knows that Obama is gay and a Muslim, it is common knowledge,” Horner said. “I saw many men coming and going from Obama’s room, at all hours. I would say a good portion of the men, over fifty-percent, were Muslim.”

OLD, Old news, 2012....

"A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House."

Second Clinton era, lets see, Bill bombed a medical facility to stop news of Monica cumming out....

The Clinton death toll even manages to beat the Bush's, mind you they did make their money from putting Hitler into power....

Why the PHUQ don't you people who can actually stop them make an ffffing effort.

Clinton is facing RICO charges in Ohio, is that in your media ????, are the 2 MILLION uncounted votes in California getting any airtime.?
YOUR JOB TO GET YOUR S#!T together US of A, NOT OURS !!!!

My job is to laugh at you for being stupid #####......

Edit: Calmed down....

Clinton will be Pres, mind you Plan B is being mentioned seriously, a massive False Flag, Obuma declares a state of emergency, election is 'postponed' till (n) and you are left with Obama.

A possible sideshow will be Trump being shot and Hillary being pardoned for everything.

Still, I think you are all stupid enough to 'elect' Hillary.........

You should check the Ohio RICO !

"Just days after Hillary Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee, a new lawsuit has alleged she won the primaries by rigging the votes!

The Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity filed a lawsuit claiming that in “eleven states besides California, there has been noted a significant difference between the Edison Research exit polls and the electronic vote totals presented on the morning after the primaries.”"


"Once again the Mainstream media seems to be completely silent, no surprise really, a recurring theme this election. Whether its voter suppression, changing voting registration information or poll rigging machines. This election primary at every twist and turn has had it all and we’re not even to the general election yet. A compendium of the fraud is documented below by state.
Its become abundantly clear the establishment is cheating to get their candidate Hillary Clinton elected so why are all these facts ignored about Hillary’s campaign blatantly rigging to win states? As a Counter Punch article suggest its Highly Suspicious Hillary does good in states where machines can be hacked due to flunking security test.."

So why then does the media or anyone for that matter refuse to acknowledge most of Hillary’s primaries and caucuses she has won against Sanders have all had voting anomalies?
Numbers that don’t match up, time and time again in the exit polls as investigator Richard Charin has found the poll’s don’t match up some by a whopping 10% or more.
Its a mockery of democracy bluntly in our faces by someone supposedly under investigation by the FBI..
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Hillary gets elected ??????

That's left to you guys/guyettes.

Here's a picture for you, FBI/CIA/DHS et al in charge of gun control, now, who is a threat who must not be allowed near a gun to these bozos;
Sorry, NOT A JOKE. (Well, it is, but real if your in the 'Land of the Fee')

1. Beauty shops have been instructed to look out for people getting picked up outside, rather than driving themselves. Sorry Grandma.

2. Bulk fuel distributors, frequently known as gas stations, have been instructed to look out for people filling containers with gasoline or diesel fuel. Why do they still sell these tools of terrorism?

3. According to the FBI, if construction sites find glue in a lock, graffiti or vandalism of any kind should suspect teenagers second and terrorists first.

4. Renting a boat? Don’t do it for too long, or the FBI might have to step in.

5. Better not ask how to swap a SIM card, because that’s a sure sign of jihadist tendency.

6. Electronics shops have been asked to report those who buy assorted electronic components…at an electronics shop.

7. Better not be cashing lots of checks and money orders. Only terrorists have multiple income streams.

8. Overdressed for the weather? A sure sign of hiding bombs. Or being cold.

9. Don’t get caught drawing things in public. You’re probably planning to blow them up.

10. Demonstrating interest in remote control planes at a hobby shop has been identified by the experts at the FBI as a sign of terrorist intent.

11. Don’t buy pipe at Home Depot. The FBI told home improvement stores to watch out for that. What possible use for pipe is there, other than bomb making?

12. The FBI says peaceful citizens don’t pay in cash. Practically everyone knows that cash is a sure sign of terrorism.

13. God help you if you’re missing a finger or a hand. Nearly every FBI list had this one, as if people generally chose to have their hands and fingers cut off.

14. Don’t change your appearance. Everyone knows terrorists get makeovers all the time.

15. And whatever you do, don’t get sweaty.

At least 72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list, according to a Democratic lawmaker.

Have a Super Secret DHS document.

If you want a gun, join the FBI's 'secret' terrorism unit, as they have been involved with arming virtually EVERY CASE of Terrorism in the US, Arm Mexican Drug Cartels, ISIS, Al Quaeda, and anyone else who claims to be a terrorist then they are clearly your best source for Firearms once Hillary is selling the rest of the US to the highest bidder.#

They seem to do a great line in Toyota HiLuxs, Stingers, C4 and Thermite as well. Smile

In June, CNBC reported that so far we’ve accidentally furnished the Islamic State with at least $219.7 million worth of weapons, vehicles and other military supplies and gear — and that’s just the stuff we know about.

Yikes! Those evil, marauding terrorists from ISIS are still at large, but fear not: ISIS can’t escape from the U.S. and our allies for long. And when we get ’em, we’re going to kick their cartoonist/woman/gay/Christian-hating Jihadi butts from here until Sunday.
There’s just one problem. If we’re at war with ISIS, why do we keep supplying them with tanks, weapons, Humvees and shiny new Toyota trucks?

# As MEE notes, the Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign.

This is clearly a dirty little hole that's also being covered up. Smile

Far too hard for the US media to investigate, I know, let's look at the very delayed Tax Returns the Clinton Foundation has been forced to file.

"A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton received at least $100 million from autocratic Persian Gulf states and their leaders, potentially undermining Democratic presidential candidate Hillary’s claim she can carry out independent Middle East policies.

As a presidential candidate, the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf states is “simply unprecedented,” says national security analyst Patrick Poole.

Well, that was hard.....Fap
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Here is a review of pretty much your laptop, shows while it's not good it should be ok to run LFS.

Set your in game graphics, to lowest, TURN OFF AA, DO NOT run any other programs in the background. Skype is chronic here, and try again.

Is this online, or offline ?

Is 10 sharing updates with your whole country ?

Are you torrenting ?, if this is online, who else may be torrenting, streaming, watching Game of Thrones ?.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
"A confidential law enforcement source close to the investigation said a crowd of up to 300 people within the club — combined with the complex layout of the structure — may have resulted in numerous patrons being struck by gunfire from officers, according to WFAA-ABC 8."

So who needs a 'radical muslem' when US Cops can kill (n) number of hostages ???

And, no way was this the worst US mass shooting, at Wounded Knee the US Army murdered between 150 to 300 Indians.

"The conflict at Wounded Knee was originally referred to as a battle, but in reality it was a tragic and avoidable massacre. Surrounded by heavily armed troops, it’s unlikely that Big Foot’s band would have intentionally started a fight. Some historians speculate that the soldiers of the 7th Cavalry were deliberately taking revenge for the regiment’s defeat at Little Bighorn in 1876. Whatever the motives, the massacre ended the Ghost Dance movement and was the last major confrontation in America’s deadly war against the Plains Indians."

And, looking at the above example, that is why the 2nd Amendment is in place.

Orlando Victims Died Because They Were Unarmed - Not Because They Were Gay.

"I have written extensively on the history of ISIS, its proven ties to western governments and the disturbing program to forcefully inject millions of Islamic refugees into western nations in the name of dubious “multiculturalism,” allowing thousands of potential terrorists into our borders without obstruction. The reality is that terrorist attacks of small and medium scale are likely to become a monthly or weekly occurrence in the U.S. and the EU as we close in on the end of the year. Get used to the idea, because this problem is not going to go away while our own governments are aiding and even funding the very psychopaths that they are supposed to be protecting people from."

"Somewhere in the bowels of LHS (Langley-Hollywood Studios), a roomful of giggling script-writers have got to be bent over in side-splitting laughter at how much they are getting away with. Granted, not everyone has been introduced to The Anti-New York Times or any of the other alternative news aggregating blogs. We can therefore excuse Boobus Americanus, up to a certain point, for not understanding how the world works. But at some point, the accumulated bullshit gets to be so bloody damn “in your face” that even a moderately retarded child has got to stop and say: “Wait a minute! This doesn’t make any sense!”

But no. Boobus just keeps right on absorbing the media-fed manure being pumped into his non-functioning brain. In his TV-induced sports stupor, he does not detect the contradictory Orwellian doublethink of an anti-homosexual “radical Islamic fundamentalist” who had “pledged allegiance to ISIS,” now being described as a club-frequenting homosexual."
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I'd tend to agree with that statement, not so much with your previous one as if you wait for the US media to report fact's you'll be waiting a very long time. Smile

On the shooter being gay, old news honestly but here is The Guardian.

If you want a real laugh, this video points out that the news footage of victims being carried away, were actually being carried towards the Pulse.

"I am posting this for preservation purposes and because it is unmarked footage, meaning it is not covered up by graphics (like CNN is doing). Please Use and Share this information. This is clear video of crisis actors with fake wounds being carried TOWARD Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida on the day of the shooting. They are taking these "victims" in the wrong direction. Why are they heading toward the scene of the shooting? Why aren't they heading AWAY from the nightclub? "

If your a medic, then I'm sure that you'll have issues with them being carried anyway, but hey, it's clearly good TV........
Check google maps too, it's even clearer there.

Note; The Pulse is on the right in this footage, I've uploaded the raw stuff, just google this to find commentary explaining it. Smile

Another fun fact, this is the Washington Post vomiting this crap.....
FYI, Believe Your Media !!!!!

Omar Mateen may not have understood the difference between ISIS, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.

Then he'd been one of the few Muslems who were unaware of the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslems. In a nutshell, Hezbollah are fighting ISIS in Iran and Syria, but clearly this 'Radical Muslim' is unaware of this fact, yeah, ok.............

He is also the only person I know of who has been REMOVED from the 'Terror Watch List"

"The FBI has admitted the shooter was put on a terror watch list in May 2013. Although, when the investigations ended without charges, he was removed."

Basicly, that's unheard of !!!!!!

"But the Department of Homeland Security still refuses to tell people why, or offer a form of judicial redress."

But placement on a terror watchlist can have far worse consequences than harassment at airport security. Lyman Latin — a disabled U.S. Marine veteran who was wrongly placed on the list and later joined an ACLU lawsuit in response — was unable to get a Veterans Administration disability evaluation completed because he was blocked from flying from Egypt to the United States. As a result, his disability payments were reduced, and he had to move into lower-cost housing, exacerbating the impact of his disability. Another Army veteran represented by the ACLU was stuck in Colombia for years due to his inability to fly home.

Individuals who have been placed on the government’s watchlists have even been subject to extra scrutiny in court for cases completely unrelated to terrorism — as their designation on the watchlist can end up on their rap sheets for judges to see.

“The federal watchlists that the compilers of rap sheets draw on for these notations are notoriously arbitrary and inaccurate. People are placed on these lists without ever being told why or given an opportunity to contest their listing. And the lists appear to focus disproportionately on individuals with Muslim-sounding names,” Ramzi Kassem, an associate professor at CUNY School of Law, told The Intercept in March.

In 2014, the Associated Press reported that more than 1.5 million names have been added to various watchlists in the five years after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, colloquially known as “the underwear bomber,” failed to blow up an airplane over Detroit in 2009.

Documents published by The Intercept in 2014 showed that nearly half of the people on the government’s shared list of terror suspects are marked as having “no recognized terrorist group affiliation.”


It's all a part of the game...........
Try to read the above as this one is so blatent they clearly think you are all dumb puppets......

I quoted this in the first post here, it's even truer now !

"The real owners are the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians, they're an irrelevancy. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so that they control just about all of the news and information you hear. They've got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying ­ lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want; they want more for themselves and less for everybody else."

"But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them. That's against their interests. They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they're getting ****ed by a system that threw them overboard 30 **** years ago. "
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .